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Also consider Firearm Exchange in Livonia and Action Impact, in Southfield and Eastpointe. Both FX and AI are kind of shitty businesses overall, with high prices and lackluster service, but they offer rentals. I used to work across the street from AI in Southfield when they first opened and went there all the time on lunch break, they had a huge wall of rentals that was always changing.
She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on May 22, 2012.[10]In 2003, Heaton appeared in a series of television and radio commercials as spokesperson for the various incarnations of the grocery chain Albertsons, such as Acme, Jewel and Shaw's. Heaton also was featured on the cover of the company's 2003 and 2004 annual reports. In 2007, Albertsons created the Crazy About Food slogan/campaign and Heaton's association with the company ended.[citation needed] She has also appeared in advertisements for Pantene hair care products.[11]Heaton has been married to British actor David Hunt since 1990.[4] They have four sons[12] and they divide their time between Los Angeles and Cambridge, England.[13] Her memoir, Motherhood and Hollywood: How to Get a Job Like Mine, was published by Villard Books in 2002..
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